Script Format
You have to finish things — that’s what you learn from, you learn by finishing things.
- Neil Gaiman
While (see below) and other screenwriting programs do the work for you (for Slugline, Action, Dialog, etc. via TAB and autofill), it is necessary to know the format guidelines to a profession screenplay.
What's the difference between a selling screenplay and dialog transcript (transcript of produced movie) and director's shooting script?
This is a shooting script:
For example:
Writing with Plotbot
Screenplays are composed of three types of elements: slugline, action, and dialogue.
Sluglines define the location the scene (i.e. INT. CAFE - NIGHT), actions explain what will happen onscreen, anddialogue is what the characters will say.
The screenwriting flow is simple. To edit an element, click on it. To create a new element, click at the bottom of the screenplay or click into an element and press ENTER.
The default element is an action. You can convert it to a dialogue element by pushing TAB. Push TAB again, and you'll convert the element to a slugline.
When an element is editable, you'll see the background color change to yellow. To save your changes push ENTER, TAB, or click out of the field.
If you'd like to learn more, please read our help pages.
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