Slate Review:
The single best reason to watch Be Kind Rewind is for the ingenious sight gags during the moviemaking montages that make up the movie's middle section. To re-create the climax of Rush Hour, in which Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan dangle high above a city street, Mike and Jerry hang from a jungle gym a few feet above a child's game board representing a town. A pizza stands in for a pool of blood under a dying gangsta's head in Boyz n the Hood. The famed shot from 2001: A Space Odyssey of an astronaut walking 360 degrees around the perimeter of a spaceship is re-created by turning the camera on a washing-machine motor (which, come to think of it, is pretty much what Kubrick must have done, too). The visual imagination and folksy craftsmanship of this part of the movie finds its perfect home on YouTube, where you can watch a selection of Mike and Jerry's Sweded films (or, of course, Swede and post your own).
More Sweded Films inspired by Be Kind Rewind
Liked this movie a lot and it really helped me to see what needs to be in a remake to make it praised by viewers.